About Us
“A decent human life for all citizens”
“It is the sole mission of the Moratuwa Municipal Council to assure the establishment of a prosperous & comfortable standard of living with good health through human resources and all taxes and the development of the city of Moratuwa on behalf of a future generation with knowledge and wisdom through the development of environment and physical resources.”
“Formalize and control the activities related to the public health, public utility services, common roads and streets, Furthermore, municipality is assign to carry out task on citizen’s comfortable, protect and develop municipal facilities. “
“The Municipal Council shall subject to the owe reserved to or vested by Municipal Council ordinance or by any other ordinance or by any other written law, be the local authority within the administrative limits of the Municipality, charged with the regulation, control and administration of all matters relating to the public health, public utility services and public thoroughfares, and generally with the protection of the comfort, convenience and welfare of the people Municipality.”
Functions of the Municipality
The functions of the Municipality are clarified in the following manner in section iv part I of the Municipal Councils Ordinance (Chapter 252) of 15th August 1947.
Accordingly, the powers confirmed by the Municipal Councils Ordinance, the goals and functions of the municipal council are as follows.
- To collect and dispose garbage.
- To improve the health and sanitation.
- To construct, maintain and clean all thoroughfares and open lands within the council limits.
- To order to construct, maintain and clean all private streets & bare lands.
- To stop all nuisance activities
- To maintain public utility & recreational services anticipating public benefits and comfort.
- To illuminate all streets and thoroughfares.
Local Government History of Moratuwa
Moratuwa became a separate local government body in late 1800 century from Colombo; as local board. First Local Board meeting was held on 09th January 1908.Government Agent was the Chair Person ex officio. Two government officials and three public representatives are in the Local Board other than G.A.
First Local Board
Chair Person – L.W. Booth (Government Agent)
Government Officials – Thomas Henry R. De Zoysa, J. Kroll
Public Representatives – Gregory Marceline De Silva, Methayas Mal, Hue De Mal
Moratuwa Urban Council
In 1930 Moratuwa became an Urban Council. Fewer than eight urban wards there are 8 elected councilors and 4 nominated councilors. First Urban Council meeting was held on 01st January 1930.
Former Chairmen of Moratuwa Urban Council
1930 -1932 Mr. H.I. Fernando
1933 – 1935 Mr. C.S.A. Perera
1936 – 1938 Mr. C.S.A. Perera
1939 – 1941 Mr. H.I. Fernando
1942 – 1944 Mr. A.C.W. Peris
1945 – 1947 Mr. T. Ebert Fernando
1948 – 1950 Mr. S.L.J. De Silva
1951 – 1953 Mr. R.P. Fernando
1954 – 1956 Mr. R.P. Fernando
1957 – 1959 Mr. T.W.M. Fernando
1960 – 1962 Mr. H.W. Stanly Fernando
1963 – 1964 Mr. P.M. Fernando
1965 Mr. H.W. Stanly Fernando
1965 – 1969 Mr. T.L.C. Fernando
1969 Mr. P.S. Douglas Fernando
1970 -1973 Mr. Jayasumana Dharmabandhu
1973 – 1979 Ruled Under Special Commissioner
1979 – 1991 Mr. B.D. Susantha Sirirathne
1992 – 1995 Mr. H.R.J. Lalith Nonis
1995 – 1997 Mr. Thomson J. Mendis
Former Vice – Chairmen of Moratuwa Urban Council
1930 -1932 Mr. C.S.A. Perera
1933 – 1934 Mr. A.C.W. Peris
1934 – 1935 Mr. T. Ebert Fernando
1936 – 1939 Mr. C. Hubert De Mal
1940 – 1941 Mr. S.O. Stembu
1942 Mr. I.L.M. Raleem
1943 – 1944 Mr. S.L. De Mal
1945 – 1950 Mr. L.E. Fernando
1951 – 1953 Mr. S.V. Fernando
1954 – 1955 Mr. S.L. De Mal
1956 – 1958 Mr. T.D.J. Peris
1959 Mr. H.W. Stanly Fernando
1960 Mr. B.S. Fernando
1961 Mr. P.M. Fernando
1962 Mr. Siril S. Fernando
1963 Mr. Newton I. De Silva
1964 Mr. Tolbert L.S. De Silva
1965 Mr. T.D.J. Peris
1966 Mr. P.M. Fernando
1967 Mr. P.S. Douglas Fernando
1968 Mrs. Trixci L. Mendis
1969 Mr. P.S. Douglas Fernando
1969 Mr. Jayasumana Dharmabandhu
1970 – 1971 Mr. W.L.M. Fernando
1972 – 1973 Mr. P.S. Douglas Fernando
1973 – 1979 Ruled Under Special Commissioner
1979 – 1991 Mr. L. Denzil H. De Silva
1991 – 1993 Mr. S.D.H.L. Ranasinghe
1993 – 1995 Mr. Thomson J. Mendis
1995 – 1997 Mr. Dammika Fernando
Former Special Commissioners
Mr. N.D.N. Gunasekara
Mr. Douglas F. Gunawardhane
Mr. M.W.S. Gunasekara
Mr. W.S. Rathnapala
Mr. Parakum Wijesinghe
Mr. K.G. Gunarathne
Mr. D.A. Waduge
Mr. A.G. Yasananda
Moratuwa Municipal Council
In 1997 Moratuwa Urban Council converts to a Municipal Council. In present Moratuwa municipality has 48 members representing 29 Municipal Wards.
Municipal Wards
- Angulana
- Kaldemulla
- Borupana
- Thelawala
- Zoysapura
- Laxapathiya Norath
- Uyana
- Laxapathiya South
- Katubadda North
- Katubadda South
- Molpe
- Rawathawatta East
- Rawathawatta West
- Idama
- Kadalana
- Moratumulla West
- Moratumulla
- Willorawatta West
- Willorawatta East
- Idibadda East
- Idibadda West
- Moratuwella North
- Moratuwella South
- Koralawella West
- Koralawella East
- Katukurundda North
- Katukurundda South
- Egodauyana North Central
- Egodauyana South
Former Mayors of Moratuwa Municipal Council
1997 – 2001 Mr. A.T.K. Chandradasa
2001 – 2002 Mr. R.A. Annada Kusumsiri
2002 – 2006 Mr. Rawinath J. Gunasekara
2006 – 2010 Mr. W. Samanlal Fernando
2011 – 2016 Mr. W. Samanlal Fernando
2018 – 2023 Mr. W. Samanlal Fernando
Former Deputy – Mayors of Moratuwa Municipal Council
1997 -1999 Mr. Wirantha Fernando
1999 – 2001 Mr. Ananda Kusumsiri
2001 – 2002 Mr. Laksiri Gayan
2002 – 2006 Mr. Dammika Fernando
2006 – 2009 Mr. Moris Wijerathne
2009 – 2010 Mr. D.M. Sujith Pushpakumara
2011 – 2016 Mr. D.M. Sujith Pushpakumara
2018 – 2023 Mr. D. Samantha Silva
Former Municipal Commissioners of Moratuwa Municipal Council
1997 – 2000 Mr. A.J. Karunarathne
2000 -2002 Mr. U.D.C. Fernando
2002 – 2006 Mr. A.L.S. Mallwanna
2006 – 2010 Mr. V.C. Warnakulasooriya
2010 – 2012 Mr. U.D.C. Fernando
2012 Mrs. H.D.C. Janaki
2012 Mrs. H.N.S. Angammana
2012 – 2013 Mr. A.L.S. Mallwanna
2013 – 2014 Mrs. S.K. Jayasundara
2014 Mr. B.N. Damminda Kumara
2014 – 2015 Mrs. H.N.S. Angammana
2015 Mr. D.M. Karunarathne
2015 – 2016 Mr. S.D. Thewarapperuma
2016 – 2017 Mr. M.M.C.K.K. Mannapperuma
2017 – 2018 Mrs. Shantha P. Liyanage
2018 Mrs. S.K. Jayasundara
2018 to present Mr. K.A. Thilakarathne
2023 Present Miss . L .P Manoja S Pathirana
Mayor is the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipal Council. He and other 47 councilors who are elected in popular vote of the people in Moratuwa are involved in the decision making process how to serve the people. Municipal Council has conduct 9 standing committees with the participation of the all the councilors. Councilors are divided to separate committees as well.
- Standing committee for Lands, Houses, Vehicles and City Development
- Standing committee for Establishment affairs, Legal affairs, Administration and Security
- Standing committee for Public Utility Services and Community Development
- Standing committee for Health, Sanitary and Markets
- Standing committee for Sports, Welfare and Common Joviality Activities
- Standing committee for Environment Preservation, Social Development, UNISEF Projects, Stocks of Stores goods and Waste Materials
- Standing committee for Productivity Creation, Finance Generating and Manipulation
- Standing committee for Industries, Roads, Water Supplies, Drainage, Electricity and Street Lamps
- Standing committee for Finance
The recommendations which are taken by those stable committees are approved by the City Council (maha sabawa). The Council will held on once a month with the participations of all councilors. Municipal Commissioner is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Municipal Council. Under his supervision there are 11 Departments to facilitate Moratuwa municipality and its people.